Her stilettic walk
You won’t find the word ‘stilettic’ in the Oxford English Dictionary. It is not really a word at all because we made it up her to describe everything about the way an attractive lady wears high heels. Of course she balances on a very thin tip and let us remember it is the very tip of the high heel which bears all her weight. As she pirouettes from one foot to the other it affects every bone and every joint in her body. This is why a man who has feelings for high heeled women can spot a high heeled woman a long way off, can single her out from among a crowd, like a predator homing in on it’s prey. Here, in this video the wobble is evident in her every stride and at times it seems as if she may fall but she keeps her posture at all times. Enjoy her in a lovely dainty pointed thin heeled shoe. Download Video : length 5m 27s : file size 755mb